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Zhou Wen
Tel:  86-10-64879856
Fax:  86-10-64856521
Mailing Address:  16 Lincui Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
Email:  zhouw@psych.ac.cn
Website:  http://zhouw.psych.ac.cn/
2009-now Professor, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.
2009   Ph.D. in Psychology, Rice University, Houston, Texas.
2008-09  Research assistant, Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy, The University of Texas
     Medical School at Houston, Houston, Texas.
2007   M.A. in Psychology, Rice University, Houston, Texas.
2004   B.S. in Psychology, Peking University, Beijing. Minor in Computer Science.
Research Interests:
1)The properties of human olfactory/ chemosensory perception;
2)The extent to which human chemosignals are processed and recognized and their influence on human
3)The interplays between olfaction and other sensory (e.g. vision) and emotional systems.
Community service:
Selected Publications:

Zhou, W., Yang, X., Chen, K., Cai, P., He, S., & Jiang, Y. (2014). Chemosensory communication of gender through two human steroids in a sexually dimorphic manner. Current Biology, 24(10), 1091-1095.
Chen, K., Zhou, B., Chen, S., He, S., & Zhou, W. (2013). Olfaction spontaneously highlights visual saliency map. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1768), 20131729.
Zhou, W., Zhang, X., Chen, J., Wang, L., & Chen, D. (2012). Nostril-specific olfactory modulation of visual perception in binocular rivalry. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(48), 17225-17229.    
Zhou, W. & Chen, D. (2011). Entangled chemosensory emotion and identity: Familiarity enhances detection of chemosensorily encoded emotion. Social Neuroscience, 6(3), 270-276.    
Zhou, W., Hou, P., Zhou, Y., & Chen, D. (2011). Reduced recruitment of orbitofrontal cortex to human social chemosensory cues in social anxiety. NeuroImage, 55(3), 1401-1406.      
Zhou, W., Jiang, Y., He, S., & Chen, D. (2010). Olfaction modulates visual perception in binocular rivalry. Current Biology, 20(15), 1356-1358.
Zhou, W. & Chen, D. (2009). Binaral rivalry between the nostrils and in the cortex. Current Biology, 19(18), 1561-1565.
Zhou, W. & Chen, D. (2009). Sociochemosensory and emotional functions: Behavioral evidence for shared mechanisms. Psychological Science, 20(9), 1118-1124.
Zhou, W. & Chen, D. (2009). Fear-related chemosignal modulates fear recognition in ambiguous facial expressions. Psychological Science, 20(2), 177-183.    
Zhou, W. & Chen, D. (2008). Encoding human sexual chemosensory cues in the orbitofrontal and fusiform cortices. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(53), 14416-14421.
