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Chen Tianyong
Associate Professor
Tel:  86-10-64855882
Fax:  86-10-64855882
Mailing Address:  16 Lincui Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
Email:  chenty@psych.ac.cn

Personal infromation
Gender: Male
Date of birth: December 12, 1973
Marriage: Married
Nationality: Chinese

Ph.D. (2005) Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Major: Experimental Psychology (emphasis on Cognitive Aging)
Thesis: The role of executive function in cognitive aging: Evidence from behavior and ERPs

M.S. (2002) Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Major: Experimental Psychology (emphasis on Cognitive Aging)
Thesis: Central executive, fluid intelligence, and aging

B.S. (1997) Northeast Normal University
Major: Psychology
Thesis: The cognitive development theory of Robbie Case

Professional Experiences
2014-    Institute of Psychology,CAS    Associate Professor
2007-2009      School of Psychology, Georgia Tech     Postdoctoral Fellow
2005-2013      Institute of Psychology,CAS     Assistant Professor
2002-2005      Institute of Psychology,CAS     Research Assistant to Prof. Li Deming
1999-2002      Institute of Psychology,CAS     Research Assistant to Prof. Han Buxin

Research Interests:

Working memory, executive function, and aging
Computer-based testing of primary cognitive abilities
Cognitive and emotional well-being and promotion in the elderly

Community service:
Selected Publications:

Du, X., Ji, Y., Chen, T.*, Tang, Y., & Han, B. (2018). Can working memory capacity be expanded by boosting working memory updating efficiency in older adults? Psychology and Aging. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pag0000311

Wang, C., Chen T.*, Han B. (2018). Plasticity of the prefrontal cortex in old age and underlying mechanisms (in Chinese). Advances in Psychological Science, 26(11): 2003-2012.

Liu, Z., Chen, T.*, Wang J., Zhou S. (2018). Depression emotion and its related factors among rural elderly during urbanization (in Chinese). Chinese Mental Health Journal, 32(1):43-48.

Zhang, X., Lecce, S., Ceccato, I., Cavallini, E., Zhang, L., & Chen, T. (2017). Plasticity in older adults’ theory of mind performance: the impact of motivation. Aging & Mental Health, 1-8.

Ji Y., Wang J., Chen T.*, Du X., & Zhan Y. (2016). Plasticity of Inhibitory Processes and Associated Far-Transfer Effects in Older Adults. Psychology and Aging, 31(5): 415-429.

Zhan Y., Li H. , Chen T.*, & Han B. (2015). Relation of family and non-family social relations to life satisfaction in Chinese elderly (in Chinese). Chinese Mental Health Journal, 29(8):593-598.

Huang Z., Chen T.*, Sun B., Luo G., & Fan W. (2015). The development of the relapse risk assessment scale for non-incarcerated drug addicts (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence, 24(4): 267-271.

Li X., Du X., & Chen T.* (2014). Main approaches to promote cognitive well-being of the elderly: A review (in Chinese). Chinese Mental Health Journal, 28(2): 125-132.

Wang J., Chen T.*, & Han B*. (2014). Does co-residence with adult children associate with better psychological well-being among the oldest old in China? Aging & Mental Health, 18(2): 232-239.

Li H., Ji Y., & Chen T*. (2014). The roles of different sources of social support on emotional well-being among Chinese elderly. Plos One. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090051

Li D., Chen T., & Wu Z. (2008). An exploration of the subjective well-being of the Chinese oldest-old. In Y. Zeng, D. Poston, D.A. Vlosky, et al. (Eds.), Healthy Longevity in China: Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Psychological Dimensions. (pp. 347-356). Dordrecht: Springer

Chen T
., & Li D. (2007). The roles of working memory updating and processing speed in mediating age-related differences in fluid intelligence. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 14: 631-646.

Li D., & Chen T. (2006). Cognitive aging and mental health of the elderly (in Chinese). Advances in Psychological Science, 14(4): 560-564.

Chen T
., & Li D. (2006). The contributions of response inhibition and processing speed to normal age-related differences in fluid intelligence (in Chinese). Acta Psychologica Sinica, 38: 724-732.

Chen T
., & Li D. (2005). The diversity of executive function in normal adults: A latent variable analysis (in Chinese). Acta Psychologica Sinica, 37: 210-217.


2017-2020 New intervention methods for the preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Investigator. Awarded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2017YFC1310100).

2017-2020 The role of cholinergic pathway in cognitive training for the preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Investigator. Awarded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81671040).

2018-2019 Development of primary cognitive ability testing system based on tablet computer for children. Principal Investigator. Awarded by Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2010-2012 Cognitive and neural plasticity in executive functions among old adults. Principal Investigator. Initial Funding for the Gainer of Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2006-2008 The role of executive function in cognitive aging and its event-related brain potentials, Principal Investigator. Awarded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30500163).

2006-2007 Working memory updating, aging, and its brain mechanism, Principal Investigator. Awarded by Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.