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Wang Dongmei
Associate Professor
Tel:  86-10-64836689
Fax:  86-10-64872070
Mailing Address:  16 Lincui Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
Email:  wangdm@psych.ac.cn
Research Interests:
Community service:
Selected Publications:

1. Wang, D. M., D. C. Chen, L. Wang and X. Y. Zhang* (2020). "Sex differences in the association between symptoms and superoxide dismutase in patients with never-treated first-episode schizophrenia." World J Biol Psychiatry: 1-10.

2. Lang, X.*, D. M. Wang*, X. D. Du, Q. F. Jia, D. C. Chen, M. Xiu, L. Wang and X. Zhang* (2020). "Elevated activity of plasma superoxide dismutase in never-treated first-episode schizophrenia patients: Associated with depressive symptoms." Schizophr Res 222: 291-296.

3. Wang, D., J. Zhang, Y. Bai, X. Zheng, M. M. Alizamini, W. Shang, Q. Yang, M. Li, Y. Li* and N. Sui (2020). "Melanin-concentrating hormone in rat nucleus accumbens or lateral hypothalamus differentially impacts morphine and food seeking behaviors." J Psychopharmacol 34(4): 478-489.

4. Wang, D. M., G. Y. Zhang, X. D. Du, Q. F. Jia, Z. K. Qian, G. Z. Yin, D. C. Chen, M. H. Xiu, Y. P. Ning, X. B. Huang, F. C. Wu and X. Y. Zhang* (2019). "Sex Differences in the Prevalence and Clinical Features of Comorbid Depressive Symptoms in Never-Treated Chinese Patients With First-Episode Schizophrenia." J Clin Psychiatry 80(6).

5. Wang, D. M., J. J. Zhang, Y. B. Huang, Y. Z. Zhao and N. Sui* (2019). "Peripubertal stress of male, but not female rats increases morphine-induced conditioned place preference and locomotion in adulthood." Dev Psychobiol 61(6): 920-929.

6. Xiu, M. H., D. M. Wang*, X. D. Du, N. Chen, S. P. Tan, Y. L. Tan, F. Yang, R. Y. Cho and X. Y. Zhang (2019). "Interaction of BDNF and cytokines in executive dysfunction in patients with chronic schizophrenia." Psychoneuroendocrino 108: 110-117.

7. Chen, X. J., C. G. Wang, W. Liu, M. Gorowska, D. M. Wang* and Y. H. Li (2018). "Identification of the Features of Emotional Dysfunction in Female Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder Measured by Musical Stimuli Modulated Startle Reflex." Front Hum Neurosci 12: 230.

8. Chen, X. J., D. M. Wang*, L. D. Zhou, M. Winkler, P. Pauli, N. Sui and Y. H. Li (2018). "Mindfulness-based relapse prevention combined with virtual reality cue exposure for methamphetamine use disorder: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial." Contemp Clin Trials 70: 99-105.
